1.   It stressed the need to work ecumenically to help the churches to overcome their lack of funds and professional expertise.

2.   Alternatively, many animal models have been used to overcome the lack of availability of normal human tissue.

3.   Although not listed on the depth chart at an open cornerback slot, Carroll could change that if he can overcome a lack of experience.

4.   And none had to overcome the lack of homecourt advantage in the semifinal round, a task the Lakers are handling nicely against San Antonio.

5.   And Tennessee and Arkansas have overcome that lack by joining Mississippi as producers of farm-raised catfish.

6.   Brown overcame similar lack of run support Tuesday against Florida, when one run and his eight shutout innings beat the Marlins.

7.   But a populist approach could help him overcome his lack of personal appeal.

8.   But Gooden probably needed as much emotion as possible Monday night to overcome his lack of raw stuff.

9.   But no amount of brilliant basketball coaching can overcome the lack of basic raw talent.

10.   Eventually, his determination and the speed in his legs overcame the lack of hearing in his ears.

v. + lack >>共 270
cite 13.59%
blame 6.99%
show 6.25%
include 3.97%
protest 3.72%
lament 3.17%
criticize 2.98%
reflect 2.88%
say 2.53%
bemoan 2.38%
overcome 1.64%
overcome + n. >>共 857
problem 10.20%
obstacle 5.84%
difference 3.51%
fear 2.95%
difficulty 2.35%
resistance 2.22%
adversity 2.10%
hurdle 2.10%
opposition 1.96%
loss 1.71%
lack 0.76%
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